RKV Technologies and Fairfax Software win Missouri Award

On August 5, 2015, the Missouri Office of Administration, Information Technology Services Division (OA-ITSD) and Department of Labor & Industrial Relations, Division of Employment Security (DOLIR, DES) awarded a contract to RKV Technologies, Inc. and its subcontract partner, Fairfax Software to utilize Fairfax’s Quick Modules 5.0 System to improve the DES’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) Deposit/Cashiering and UI Document Imaging and Workflow Functions. The solution will reduce manual entry by capturing data from scanned images of UI payments and documents. The captured data will be used to generate electronic bank deposits and update appropriate employer or claimant records in the State’s Unemployment Insurance Modernization (UIM) accounting system. The data posted includes payments, total wages paid, excess wages paid, taxable wages paid and worker wage information.

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