Tampa, Florida, USA, March 25, 2021 – Fairfax Software is pleased to announce that it has been recently awarded a contract by the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) to provide a single software solution to process remittances, forms, attachments, documents, correspondence, envelopes, and W2/1099’s; all tax mail received by KDOR. This contract was awarded following a thorough competitive procurement process undertaken by KDOR, which culminated in Fairfax Software being the winner of the procurement.
Fairfax Software has been a loyal partner of the Kansas Department of Revenue (KDOR) since 2008. For the last thirteen (13) years, our award-winning signature product Quick Modules has been in use at KDOR to process remittances of the incoming mail driving the Burroughs Quantum 300 scanners. As part of this new contract, Fairfax Software will implement the latest version of the Quick Modules 5.0 software suite which provides a single platform designed to process virtually all of KDOR’s inbound mail and electronic transactions for payment processing and data capture.
As part of this new engagement, Fairfax Software will also provide its exclusively designed tray tracking solution with its solution partner Agissar Corporation. This comprehensive solution will provide complete end-to-end tracking of each mail piece received by KDOR from the moment it is received by the agency. In addition, the Fairfax Software solution will provide reporting and measurement of performance from the time the mail arrives to the time it is posted downstream to KDOR’s integrated tax system on one end and reconciled then deposited in KDOR’s bank account on the other end. In addition, Fairfax Software will field two (2) ibml Corporation high speed FUSiON 7400 scanners which represent the work horse of the tax industry and are the fastest scanners in the world. The FUSiON 7400 scanner is the latest addition to the ibml innovative suite of scanners.
The Fairfax Software award-winning solution Quick Modules 5.0 system was built, as a unit, from the ground-up to process real-life tax data and electronic transactions with all of its associated attachments, with or without remittance, all in one single workflow under one common Microsoft (NASDAQ: MSFT) SQL Server database. This paradigm, which was first invented and commercialized by Fairfax Software, has become a staple in state tax front-end processing for the last decade or more. More state tax and revenue agencies have adopted this paradigm than not.
Steve Chahal, President and Chief Executive Officer of Fairfax Software said: “We are honored to have earned this distinctive award representing KDOR’s continued trust and capitalizing on over a decade of dedicated service to this valued client agency.” Michael Minter, Vice President of Sales and Marketing stated: “Our award-winning Quick Modules solution has met the competitive scrutiny of KDOR’s procurement process and has shown once again that it is the best solution on the market for processing KDOR’s mission-critical incoming data.”
Fairfax Software has been providing state-of-the-art data capture and remittance processing solutions to state government clients, and more specifically state revenue clients since 1994. Fairfax Software’s solutions, based on the signature product Quick Modules, are now the de-facto engine powering the payment and data capture processes in thirty-three (33) different states and forty-three (43) state agencies.
Fairfax Software has recently announced that it is henceforth offering to host its mission-critical state government solutions in its secure and encrypted cloud on Amazon (NSDAQ: AMZN) Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure with several state governments having adopted it.
For more information, please contact:
Michael Minter
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Fairfax Software
Office: 703-802-1220 x103
Mobile: 214-384-3174
Email: [email protected]